How To Land A Job Using Linkedin As A Tool

As an active recruiter (I am the owner of HIREghana), my associates and I use contanly Linkedin as a recruitment tool. Below is a summary of our Jobberman Ghana Live Twitter Q&A session (thank you for that invitation to hold that session) from 10 days ago. Using the hashtag ‪#‎jobbermangh4jobs, we were able to create a meaningful conversation around the topic: “How to land a job using Linkedin as a tool”. Questions from the participants and answers from HIREghana, are compiled into this article and they will also appear in a the blog post for easy reference.

Q1. How different is linkedin from other job websites?

ANSWER: It is the No1 professional social media networking tool with worldwide footprint. It also slowly replaces the need to see a full CV before you get an \’image\’ of the candidate. Employers getting comfortable receiving applications w/ just Linkedin Profiles and no CVs

Q2. What kind of jobs are on linkedin?
ANSWER: In theory everything but unskilled jobs. It costs a firm average of 200+ US-$ to place an ad, so they wouldn\’t place an ad for a 500 GHS/month role

Q3. Why is linkedin a better platform for jobs than other SM sites?

ANSWER: It allows recruiters to quickly see who you really are without reading lengthy CVs. It also allows you to see who from your connections knows the posting recruiter. More and more Ghanaian companies use Linkedin for posts especially for manager & senior roles. They also see your photo, your size of network, who endorses you etc

Q4. How do I search for jobs on Linkedin?
ANSWER: On main menu bar click on Jobs + use any keyword. After that you get a nicer and clearer search menu

Q5. Are linkedin jobs more authentic than other sources?

ANSWER: If companies have 2 pay an average of 200 dollars for posting yes. But you still have (rarely) 419 scammers who also pay those 200$ and post ads

Q6. How do I optimize my profile to look professional?

ANSWER: Good profile photo, Good use of language, Use humble and realistic job titles (Most Ghanaians are CEO\’s and Prophets on linkedin), Skills should be relevant e.g. no piano playing if you a software engineer. Skills should be realistic. Use keywords properly. IMPORTANT- Get endorsements: guideline is minimum 10% of your connections. Watch your postings, likes & shares – R they professional? No discriminatory, no religious nor political opinions.

Q7. Is it advisable to message Recruitment professionals even when no jobs are advertised?

ANSWER: Yes- build real relationships but with respect + focus. Make them aware of your interest to work in their company. Gentlemen ….Don\’t hit of female recruiters – usually it is not welcome. Show ultimate respect to women –e.g Don\’t call them Dearies when you comment on a post! Seen it too many times. It is good to contact corporate recruiters and Headhunters/ build relationships over time LinkedIn is not for dating or selling your cakes to a recruiter

Q8. How are linkedin groups helpful in finding jobs?

ANSWER: Use groups to network over time. Use groups to also create a presence via posting or answering or commending on questions/ topics. check also the groups\’ job lists- these are jobs from other users and they are not \’features\’ as paid linkedin jobs

Q9. How does one get maximum benefit from Linkedin connections?

ANSWER: Find a great mentor or Coach/ Find your future colleague. Also find a peer to talk/exchange views. Do not treat Linkedin connections as Facebook friends- they R not! Slowly build LONG TERM relationships with ur connections. RESPECT people\’s time / availability. Do NOT bombard them with messages of NO VALUE to them. Also, don\’t overload them with communication or Hi or GM greetings

Q10. How many hours should one spend scouting for jobs on linkedin?

ANSWER: However you do it, LinkedIn or not, jobhunting is a fulltime job. 8-12 hrs per day- so plan for it

Q11. Any recommended tips on how to search for jobs?

ANSWER: 1. Have an Outstanding LinkedIn Profile. 2. Connect, connect, connect (properly, respectfully, professionally) 3. Keywords, keywords, keywords!!!

Q12. Do the recommendations and endorsements written about you important to the employer esp. wrt who did the endorsement?

ANSWER: ENDORSEMENTs push up your profile in any recruiter\’s search for a given role. Recommendations should not be from your local banku seller- unless that is relevant. Recommendations count but only when they are really well written and clear

Q13. Does having a foreign qualification and skills mean anything in the job market these days? Or it\’s about who you know?

ANSWER: Unless your foreign degree is from reputable schools like Harvard or Yale, otherwise experience is what really counts. For fresh graduates in the market, foreign degrees can make some difference but not that much.

Q14. How do you identify recruitment scams?
ANSWER: Usually real recruiters have also a professional website, employees and a linkedin company page. There are 4-5 scammers we came across advertising jobs in nonexistent hospitals – they scam potential high income victims. Also don\’t give your number or personal details of things like \’like our postings and we will view your profile\” things. PLEASE never pay any recruitment agency promising to find you a job – you have been had. Low level scams are those asking money to register your cv- unless you get a real tangible benefit out of it, be careful. Avoid \’recruiters\’ asking lots of money to process your application or to introduce you to clients etc.

Q15. How can I privately search for jobs without notifying my LinkedIn network?

ANSWER: Just turn off your notifications on your profile. Also, your employer\’s IT stuff can see if you are using Linkedin during work hours if you use their network connection.

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