SuperGirls Write Too!!!

For Whom?

  • Young Girls / Ladies 16-30 years old
  • With a superb command of Standard English (vocabulary, writing style, orthography, grammar, syntax, …the works)- otherwise please do not get involved with this project.
  • Of any religion or ethnic background or sexual orientation. Actually we don\’t care what you are but more of WHO you are as a human being. We do not discriminate except for bad attitude or bad hygiene
  • We expect you to have no bias whatsoever. We don\’t either!
  • Ideally we want to help someone chronically unemployed or coming for a not well-known school or even spot a talent in SHS or anywhere else.

What is the thinking behind all this?

I wanted to find a way to help young ladies – ideally in Ghana. Especially those with employment gaps or who are unemployable now. Or even those bright young minds who somehow couldn\’t attend the best possible university for whatever reason (only girl in the family, distance, finance, did not take wassce seriously a few years ago, got pregnant young, or whatever the reason is)…

We believe that if we (we is 6+ of us) were to co-author with you a few articles, it might help you and even boost your career. It would definitely help you stand out!! I guarantee you that!!!

So, preference will be given to those girls/ women who could benefit the most out of such exposure instead of already established professionals.

And yes, we will mentor you a bit, along the way…


What topics are we interested in?

  • ..Everything HR -related or
  • Organizational Development
  • StartUps
  • Recruitment
  • Employment for the Youth
  • Soft Skills
  • Training Methodologies
  • …Anything PR-related
  • Applied Digital Marketing (non-technical)
  • Storytelling
  • Anything Coffee- related
  • And fresh Juice.
  • Health Items (only if you are a medical student/ professional)
  • Any combinations of the above topics is most welcome


The Rules:

  1. We reserve the right to choose whom we can work with and for how long.
  2. If your English is sub par, our relationship/ co-operation will stop instantly. |despite all great will, we cannot tutor anyone in English 🙂
  3. Same if we observe a ..\’sub par\’ behavior or attitude
  4. There is no money rewards involved for either side
  5. We reserve the right to accept partially or full your submissions or even edit them/ modify them or even delete them. Same rights are reserved by any Editor where the join-articles will be submitted,
  6. We have to accept your proposed topic before you continue and invest any time in it.


How it works/ Instructions

  1. Firstly talk to us… introduce yourself via whatsapp (+44 74 0548 6731) by sharing your name with us and a mini-\’essay\’ of 300-500 words as to what your true motivation is for joining this project
  2. Submit a topic for an article. We prefer topics/ tittles that starts with How-To…or blah-blah-blah in 10 easy Steps
  3. Wait for our approval
  4. You will need 2-6 hours for research (mainly with google but also in books), depending on the topic and your familiarity with it.
  5. You need to write 1200- 1400 words and submit them to us. (if you can\’t reach 1200, we will help you). FYI a page is 500 words and it should take you between 20 and 90 minutes to write one (depends on the \’flow\’ of your own English).
  6. Submissions should be in Times Roman 12, left-justified and with 1.5 line spacing (google these if you do not know what it meant)
  7. Never ask a question because you are too lazy to google it.
  8. Your submission should have been proof-read before giving it to us..No sloppy work please.
  9. We will add another 800-1200 words and possibly even delete or modify what you wrote, however perfect that might be. We spend 2-6 hrs doing this. So, don\’t thing that you are only one putting time on this project.
  10. Final Step will be checking the text and \’smoothening the edges\’ (it is called \’checking the copy\’). That is an additional 2-4 hrs for us.
  11. And there: it goes for publication with you as a co-author of course!
  12. Finally, you post the relevant URL in Social Media. Your Call – Your Benefit!!!


YES, we (all 6+ of us), we know that it is a lot… but, we have been doing it for years too…


Thank you and Good Luck

Irene + her colleagues/ friends.

PS: sometimes, we get overwhelmed with messages – so allow us a few weeks to get back to you if that happens pls. Tnx for your understanding.

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