HIREseminars\’ JobHunter Bible

I have been writing articles for the last 3+ years relating mostly to jobhunting.

I have always seen it as my very obligation to help my fellow Ghanaians (and other Africans of course too) to get a job – a job with dignity! This has always been my own ‘personal CSR’ project or social contribution (whatever you might want to call it).

The reason for that is my views on fighting poverty:

  • First you provide people with jobs with dignity so they can bring food to the table and feed  their families
    • Then you take care of clean water and sewage (basically all the W.A.S.H. stuff)
    • 3rd you deal with power/ electricity – that also enables kids to study at night
    • Then everything else.

(if you have a better suggestion, I am open to it -).

FYI: It takes 3-5 hrs to write an article/ post and it is always unpaid/ volunteer work.

The original material is a cumulative total of 153 pages. We saw a lot of overlap and repetition. We decided to reduce it to 36 pages and use these as a baseline to build up slowly on top of it those 153 pages and more to come.

At present, we aim to update this document at least once a year, if not twice.

And for that, we welcome your suggestions as to what you think is missing and why.

Please email us at jobhunter.bible@gmail.com (without an ‘s’- jobhunters.bible was taken).

Thank you and I welcome any contributions / suggestions/ remarks/ comments/ observations/ etc,  that will help our fellow Ghanaians to get a job and enjoy a great life!!

Millions of thanks for all of your kind and continuous support,


PS: I am extremely aware that this is not perfect but it is a start of a great free book to be available to all!!

The book is currently to be at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xlesTZWEMvI7DnGLpHiWhHEzbPfyM8HR/view

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